Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas

Christmas card

Here is our Christmas card photo! Next year Barrett will have a much more prominent spot. We hope everyone had a WONDERFUL Christmas! We are so thankful for the sweet baby God has blessed us with and can’t wait to meet him in the New Year!

We celebrated Christmas with Keith’s family earlier in the month along with his Mom’s birthday.


The whole bunch of us before the party started.


Keith and I enjoying some Lulu’s!

Today we spent Christmas at my parent’s house after I missed all the Christmas Eve festivities with the rest of my family due to an impromptu STOMACH VIRUS! Ugh!

Then something happened in Birmingham that has NEVER happened…


Measurable SNOW on Christmas Day! Which meant we didn’t get to take in our customary Christmas movie with my parents because we didn’t know how bad the roads would get after the sun went down.

Barrett racked up, it’s starting early.


Aunt Iana and Uncle Brian got him the sweetest day gown & hat with his initials, it’s going to be his homecoming outfit. Daddy got him his first pair of loafers, so he can dress like him. Paw Paw and Nana (my parents) got him a Bama baby bib, Praise baby CD’s and diapers!

And Santa slipped something special under the tree for me, apparently he reads my blog!


We took some video with the new Flip camera that Keith’s parents got us, but I haven’t mastered the art of posting it to my blog. :(

1 comment:

  1. I need to read your blog more often so I can see belly pics. My goodness it just really started showing! But in all fairness, I remember that is what happened around 20+ weeks. It just showed up one day! I can't wait to see you in January!
