On the morning of September 11th, it was any normal Tuesday morning. I had signed up for a 7:00 a.m. aerobics class, but I always came home and napped before my practicum hours in the Child Development lab. That morning I was in a hurry and I forgot to turn off my TV. When I got back from class, GMA was on and they were discussing the plane that hit the World Trade Center. I just sat and watched as live on air they tried to make sense of how that happened. Then, we all watched in astonishment as the second plane hit. This was no accident. Shortly after my dad called, he explained that this was what war looked like. I think I talked to several more people and checked my campus email to find out my instructions for practicum hours that day. We were not to speak of the days events while working with the 3 and 4 year old children. I put in my hours at the CDC and I'm not exactly sure what I did the rest of the day. Probably a lot of talking and TV watching trying to process everything. It was our friend Christin's birthday. We made the decision to go ahead with the plans we had for her birthday party that night, even though none of us were much in the mood for a party. We had a friend who was an intern at the White House, we finally heard from him. I was 20 and I was a junior at the University of Alabama.
In the days following I remember the thoughts that consume you at night, thinking would terrorist attack Tuscaloosa. My grandmother told me about what life was like after the Pearl Harbor attacks. We were again afraid of planes flying over head. We did a lot of growing up. We were not innocent college students anymore, we knew that real evil existed.
Everyone has a story from that day. If you want leave your story below, please do so.
I think we were roommates then? I was going to work at BodyWorks when it happened. When I got there they had on the tv and we watched it and talked about it the rest of the day. So sad! I was 21 and also a Junior at Alabama.